I got a little bored with the routine after a while though and sort of fell out of it. My subscription renewal just happens to be coming up in a few days, and truthfully I probably wasn't going to renew anyway for a variety of irrelevant reasons.
Well, that decision is sealed shut as of today. I found out that Curves donates 10% of its annual profits to anti-choice groups! I stumbled upon this fact at Snopes. com, a great website for checking urban legends and the validity of any annoying emails that lecture you to forward it or else someone's daughter will die of cancer or some such horror.
Anyway. If I could display a jaw dropping, I would. I was appalled and honked to discover this little nugget. I am extremely pro-choice. This does not mean I am anti-child (have you read my other posts about being baby-hungry?). It means I am pro-make-your-own-decisions-about-your-own-body and that I am generally against the birth of unwanted babies who don't have responsible enough parents to care for them. Unwanted babies often end up being the people we shake our heads over when we read about how they blew up an office building or shot kids at school.
As usual, I digress. The part that really pisses me off is that Curves is supposed to be all about women's health and taking care of their bodies properly...meanwhile the founder and owner is giving 10% of the money WE give him to groups that will likely scream at us if we step near a Planned Parenthood for whatever reason, be it for a Pap smear or a check up or even just for birth control. These anti-choice groups have the mistaken impression that Planned Parenthood and other women's health care groups are just abortion-providers - they are not. They are about women's health care. Isn't Curves supposed to be about women's health care?
This is partly why I've posted Emily X's blog in my margin; each day there is a different story about someone who works with PP and how protestors make it hard for patients to get the health care they need. Please click on it if you have a minute to hear/read some of the stories that these people go through every day just to show up to work.
BOO CURVES!! Tell your friends please....
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