Saturday, June 16, 2007

Writer's Block Bulldozing

Welcome to my blog! I really never thought I would do this, but my stepmom just started one and inspired me to do the same. I'm a writer who doesn't write, and it's time to plow through the massive writer's block that's been lodged in me since I stopped writing in early high school. When I was a kid I used to write so much that my various parents had to struggle to get me off the computer, and now I can't even seem to keep a personal journal for myself. So I'm starting this blog in hopes of reminding myself that I can do this :).

1 comment:

Tena Russ said...

Dear B,

WOW and alrighty, then!
I'll visit soon and often. I warn you that blogging is habit-forming (and tons of fun).

Love your blog name :-)

B,the other